ok so it's been a while
fuck it, i'm a sore loser. not really, well ok yeah really, but who isn't? all i know is that i'd rather be from a blue state than be one of those conflicted bastards from a red state who decided to use their vote to elect a "moral" leader...who by the way lied to them, but that doesn't seem to matter does it? these are the same people who think you and i aren't able to make an informed decision for ourselves and feel the need to make it for us because their god, jack daniels and walmart told them too. if you don't like what i watch, listen to, dress up as or fuck...turn the fucking channel and leave well enough alone. i don't need you to try and impose your religion, morality and or fashion sense on me because i probably have more education under my belt than you have fucking teeth left. why don't you just take your fucking walmart brand shotgun, a bottle of wild turkey and all of your jesus loving god fearing friends and go hunting, get drunk and fucking shoot each other in the god damn head. fuck you. (yes...i'm lazy and that's why i swear. are you happy now asshole?)